Dwell Awhile with WOMP
Dwell Awhile with Hannah Lamb & Lucy Lound (WOMP Studios), recorded October 2020, via zoom, between Halifax and Sheffield.
Hannah Lamb and Lucy Lound are Sheffield based artists and co-founders of WOMP Space, a studio and project space supporting emerging artists.
Han Lamb (they/them) is an artist and studio manager based in Sheffield. They are currently developing functional artworks which support the infrastructures of queer artist-led spaces. In 2018 they co-foundedWomp Space, a studio and project space for emerging artists. Here, they explore the materiality of the studio as a manifestation of care and the value of labour. Alongside this they co-run an ongoing micro-residency series aimed at offering platforms to queer and emerging artists.
Lucy Lound (they/them) is an artist based in Sheffield who works by continually reconfiguring their understanding of how human and non-human forces shift with one another and the temporalities of materials and objects. In their work they consider and study acts of care and hospitality, their politics and material politics, interstitial spaces, experimentation and notions of liquidity. They often work in installation, print, text and experimental sculpture. Itchy Spaghetti is an independent publication edited and managed by Lound which consists of themed open-call zines, available in print or as pdf files.
Womp Space is a studio and project space in Kelham Island, Sheffield. Set up in August 2018, Womp offers studio space, art socials and residency opportunities to emerging artists. As a queer led organsiation, it aims to funciton as a safe and nourishing space for artists to reflect on and develop their practices whilst also building a friendly and supportive community.