Dwell Awhile with Bryan Tweddle
Dwell Awhile with Bryan Tweddle, recorded September 2020, via telephone between Huddersfield and Cumbria.
Bryan Tweddle is a Halifax based multidisciplinary artist and co-founder, director and collaborator on various local and international cultural and community festivals and events.
Since recording the podcast I have been quite active and still am. However if I recorded the podcast today, I would say that the general uncertainty weighs more heavily now than it did a few months ago. This probably is because the pandemic is not subsiding and the likelihood of much work and play happening during this next period is still unknown.
That said, I had a fantastic experience working in a virtual studio for the first time, with Katrin Vierkant in the south of France and Orla Kelly in Dublin, on a design brief for a new children's museum. The remote studio sessions has resulted in a fifty page illustrated brochure for the proposed plans.
By contrast, I am currently working in my (cold) real workshop. I have been commissioned by Walk the Plank to develop the concept of a ‘Myth Busting Machine’ and make it for Manchester City Council for a multitude of situations including Manchester Day Parade. I am currently working on the machines exploding brain.
In 2007, I designed and co-established an illumination event with Cooperations in Wiltz, Luxembourg and have been involved with its development every year since. I am currently in discussions with the new producer and his team in Cooperations to discuss what might be possible for the 2021 edition of Nuit des Lampion.
Ten years ago, a group of us in Sowerby Bridge created Winterlight a festival of light ,art, performance, installations and music as the public programme of Fire and Water a company established to acquire redundant, semi-derelict buildings from the council and convert them into a community cultural hub. A Heritage Action Zone Community Celebration is being developed by Fire and Water in collaboration with Calderdale Council and others to develop an exciting programme of interventions over the next three years. This is very early days for the bid application and if we are successful I hope many links can be made with other creatives in this region and beyond in order that they can help make an amazing range of celebrations in Sowerby Bridge. Keep an eye out for any developments!