Our Priorities
Sector development EDI
To lead by example and ensure all working practices are scrutinized and challenged for their accessibility and inherent bias.
CVAN representation
To act as the regional representative of the national CVAN England network.
Research programme
To actively promote and commission sector specific research based on a circular model with the practitioners.
Anti racism
To lead by example in working towards becoming an anti racist organization.
Artist profiles
To promote and advocate for artists and organizations operating in the region that demonstrate excellence with our core principles.
Artist status
To capture the impact of economic, environmental and political events on the sector generating empirical data.
Climate Crisis
To acknowledge that art and culture can help in the response to the Climate Crisis, and this is intrinsically linked to equity of opportunity.
Innovative Placemaking
To support and celebrate the Artist led networks in our region.
To work with local areas to embed art making in the public realm.
Knowledge Share events
Knowledge Share events
Provide opportunities for the sector to meet and learn from peer to peer models and targeted specialists based on demand/need.
Organisational stability
To ensure the governance of the organisation operates within the Articles of Association which are relevant to its operation, which will be legal and viable.
To pursue relationships with organizations with appropriate principles to further our objectives.
Develop diverse income streams.
Regions network ecology
Identify opportunities for collaborative working with the priority Places and Levelling up areas in the Y&H region.
To ensure the findings from the regions artist based research is made accessible by generating publications for dissemination both online and in print, recognising digital poverty.
Anti-Racism statement in support of Black Lives Matter
This is a message of solidarity with Black Lives Matters to condemn racism, and a commitment to improve YVAN’s practices for anyone who is currently discriminated against by the arts because of their race or ethnicity.
We are concerned about making value statements as an ally of Black Lives Matter without showing a related programme of activity that is authentic. We commit to do this in ways that foster wider dialogue and debate and in our Anti-racist framework.
YVAN works towards being an anti-racist organisation for the visual arts in the Yorkshire and Humber region. YVAN continues to demonstrate its commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility through its governance and programme structures.
We are guided by CVAN Fair + Equitable in our work. Fair + Equitable is a five year programme and commitment to instituting equity within the visual arts sector in England.
We acknowledge that YVAN has a journey to make to become an organisation where Global Majority artists and arts workers see and feel their culture and presence is truly represented in its programme and governance. policy and programme to make visible the changes required.
YVAN is committed to taking this forward to ensure the visual arts in Yorkshire and the Humber is contemporary, inclusive and diverse; that it opens up opportunities in fair and transparent ways; and challenges itself and network of partners to examine the unconscious bias and prejudice against Global Majority artists and arts workers that permeate the arts and its institutions.
We ask all of those working in leadership roles to now break this status quo through education, policy and programme to make visible the changes required. We ask our colleagues and Global Majority artists and arts workers to watch this space whilst we continue reassessing our practices and actioning our commitment to lever institutional change in the arts sector.
We need to hear your thoughts – please contact ceo@yvan.org.uk
Revised - August 2024
Statement from the Chair and Directors of Yorkshire and Humber Visual Arts Network: Sue Ball, Michael Barnes-Wynters, Lucy Dunhill, Zanib Rasool, Helen Nakhwal, Laura Biddle